cout formatted
Class ios_base flags Get/set format flags (public member function ) setf Set specific format flags (public member function ) unsetf Clear specific format flags (public member function ) precision Get/Set floating-point decimal precision (public member function ) width Get/set field width (public member function ) iomanip.h setiosflags Set format flags (function ) resetiosflags Reset format flags (function ) setbase Set basefield flag (function ) setfill Set fill character (function ) setprecision Set decimal precision (function ) setw Set field width (function ) get_money Get monetary value (function ) put_money Put monetary value (function ) get_time Get date and time (function ) put_time Put date and time (function ) 使用插入運算子和控制格式 字串和 I/O 格式化 (現代 C++) https://msdn.mi...