STM32F103 "Hello World" Part2
Block Diagram
- STM32F103xx series 內部為Cortex-M3 32-bit RISC架構, 最快系統時脈72MHz,
- Ibus (Instruction Bus)為ARM core從Internal Flash提取指令bus, Flash放置code與自定義資料etc.
- Dbus (Data Bus)為ARM core存取Internal SRAM的bus, SRAM內存放register variable
- System bus為MCU周邊控制器存取通道
- Bus Matrix為調度ARM core與周邊的管理
- AHB, APB為AMBA規範下的protocol, 常見於SoC, AMBA為通用協定, 提供core與peripherals間的bus
- AMBA(Advanced Micro-controller Bus Architecture)
AHB(Advanced High performance Bus)
APB(Advanced Peripheral Bus)
STM32F103xx series AHB Fmax = 72MHz, APB2 Fmax = 72MHz, APB1 Fmax = 36MHz, 使用上需注意peripherals放置在哪一bus上, 影響到該peripherals Fmax
Clock Tree
SYSCLK source:
- HSI RC (8MHz)
- PLL (MUL x2-16)
*for the USB function to be available, both HSE and PLL must be enable, with USBCLK running at 48MHz.
*to have an ADC conv. time of 1us, APB2 must be at 14MHz, 28MHz or 56MHz.
RTC source:
- LSI (40kHz)
- HSE (/128)
External oscillator pin
Clock configuration of STM32CubeMX
Using LSE of 32.768kHz
Using HSE of 8MHz, through PLLMUX x9
CubeMX有防呆功能, 當設定錯的clock時, 會變紅底警告