[VB6]only user-defined types defined in public object modules can be coerced to or from a variant or passed to late-bound functions
自定義Type類型於module中, 無法傳入function/sub函數
因user-define type無法與variant相容
下面為error code
Line 19, UC51宣告為DRIVER_INFO, 傳入IsEmptyArray()的source為Variant-type
但導致IsEmptyArray()只能接受REGISTER-type, 無法接受其他data type
因user-define type無法與variant相容
下面為error code
Line 19, UC51宣告為DRIVER_INFO, 傳入IsEmptyArray()的source為Variant-type
但導致IsEmptyArray()只能接受REGISTER-type, 無法接受其他data type
Option Explicit Private Type REGISTER name As String addr As Byte bank As Integer End Type Type DRIVER_INFO strID As String reg() As REGISTER End Type Sub main() Dim UC51 As DRIVER_INFO Dim tmpBuf() As String Debug.Print IsEmptyArray(tmpBuf) Debug.Print IsEmptyArray(UC51.reg) ' error here End Sub Function IsEmptyArray(source As Variant) As Boolean On Error GoTo ERROR_HANDLER If UBound(source) >= 0 Then Exit Function End If ERROR_HANDLER: IsEmptyArray = True End Function
感恩 找到這篇太有用了,謝謝您。